
Articles Posted in Equitable Distribution


Why It is So Important that You Get Every Term, and Every Modification, of Your Maryland Marital Settlement Agreement Put Down in Writing

In many different types of legal or business settings, one receives the advice to “get it in writing.” Why is that? It’s because a written document carries much more weight as evidence in court than oral testimony about the contents of an oral contract. Getting “it in writing” has the…


What It Takes to Overcome Your Ex-Spouse’s Claims Regarding Alimony and Dissipation of Assets in Your Maryland Divorce

Whether your spouse is making a claim for alimony, a claim that you dissipated assets, or both, it is important to know that there are certain expectations the law has of her, and certain things she must prove to the court, before she can be entitled to a ruling in…


What Can I Do if I Think my Maryland Marital Settlement Agreement is not Reasonable?

The days and weeks that immediately follow the breakup of your marriage can be an incredibly trying time. You may feel hurt, confused, angry, frightened, overwhelmed, betrayed and a host of other emotions. You’ve experienced a great trauma, and like anyone living through that kind of pain, you may not…


Divorce Over Age 50 Raises Unique Financial Concerns for Maryland Residents

It is not uncommon for a married couple to spend the first 25 to 30 years of their life together working and saving money to enjoy in retirement. Over the course of their lifetime, spouses often invest money in stocks, 401K plans, education plans, pension plans, real estate, and other…


Divorcing in Maryland: What To Do With The Family Home?

Maryland is an equitable distribution state. This means that in divorce, property and debts acquired during the marriage are subject to “fair and equitable” division (subject to limited exceptions). The law does not guarantee that marital property will be divided equally. For the most part, marital property includes items such as bank…

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