Articles Posted in Annulment

A recent case from Prince George’s County includes some highly unusual facts, including a woman’s 2011-12 effort to invalidate her divorce and her 2020 attempt to annul her husband’s marriage to his second wife… even though the husband died in 2007. While the outcome of the woman’s case doesn’t break new legal ground regarding issues like the division of marital property, it does serve to remind all spouses that, if they think you have a need to take legal action, don’t wait. Instead, get in touch with a knowledgeable Maryland divorce lawyer as soon as possible to begin protecting your rights and avoiding risking losing them due to excessive delay.

A deceased man’s two marriages make for a case in point. It all started when, after four years of marriage, A.P. and his wife, B.P., separated in 1975. They did not, however, get divorced.

In 1991, the husband sought a divorce in D.C. The wife didn’t participate so the D.C. judge granted the man a default judgment of absolute divorce. The next year, A.P. wed again. A.P. and his second wife, M.P. remained together until the man’s death in September 2007.

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For many ex-spouses who are also recipients of alimony as part of a Maryland divorce or annulment, that alimony money represents an important part of their monthly income. When it doesn’t come, the financial consequences can be serious. That’s why the law has processes set up to motivate your ex-spouse and hopefully expedite their paying you the unpaid sums you’re owed. If you’re not getting the alimony you should as part of your divorce or annulment, get in touch with a Maryland divorce lawyer right away.

Sometimes, these unpaid alimony arrearages can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Such was the case for one immigrant couple who settled in Montgomery County.

The husband and wife married in Egypt in 1976, then divorced in 1985. They remarried once again in 1986. Presumably unbeknownst to the wife, the husband had married another woman during the year-long divorce and remained married to her when he and the wife remarried.

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Divorce is favored over annulment when ending a marriage in Maryland, but unlike some other states, Maryland divorce laws sometimes present more hurdles. When ending a marriage, it is wise to consult a family law attorney to see whether divorce or annulment is more appropriate for your particular situation. The requirements for divorce and annulment vary from state to state.

An annulment is essentially a decree that renders a marriage null and void. The court is required to hear testimony from the plaintiff (person bringing the annulment proceedings) in open court in order to make a final determination as to whether annulment is proper.

A valid marriage in Maryland is one in which both parties were competent when they got married and both understood and consented to the change in marital status. Maryland requires individuals to apply for a license from the clerk of the county in which they marry. At least one of the partners must provide information about the full names of the couple, their residence, age, degree to which they are related (if any), their marital status and social security number. Occasionally, in spite of these precautions being taken, a couple will get married under circumstances that are different than their perceptions. Continue reading

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